OkuGake Jujutsu is a modern self-defense system rooted in traditional martial arts, designed with ultimate cohesiveness. It stands out as one of the foremost realistic street defense systems, tailored for business and medical professionals who need to escape dangerous situations swiftly, effectively, and legally.
While we integrate traditional “reishiki” (etiquette), our techniques operate outside tournament rules, focusing on legal and practical applications. This approach means tournaments are avoided and certain techniques are suppressed during practice to prevent injury, though we emphasize pressure techniques once they are mastered.
The Kazoku Dojo is a private martial arts school located in Sarasota Florida.
Cliff Brunetti became a licensed master of Hakkoryu Jujutsu in September of 2014 (Menkyo Shihan) under the auspices of Soke Okuyama Ryuho of Omiya, Saitama, Japan after 29 years of studying that art. In 2017 Brunetti-shihan honorably retired from Hakkoryu and has not actively taught that art since. In the following year, after deeply studying the Kaiden scrolls and many other sources, decided to teach what he felt to be the most effective American defense curriculum available based in part on his previous studies in military and police combatives, Judo, Tang Soo Do Karate, Togakure Ryu Ninpo, and Hapkido. Brunetti became the originator of the OkuGake Jujutsu style of self-defense.
Honoring Brunetti’s Teacher’s, Mentors, and Friends within the Martial Arts.
* Okuyama Ryuho (Nidai Soke) headmaster of Hakkoryu Jujutsu in Omiya Japan,
* Shihan Dennis Palumbo Jujutsu headmaster of the Budoya in Aurora Colorado,
* Shihan John Bokeno retired Air Force Captain and Jujutsu master instructor in Cheyenne Wyoming,
* Shihan Michael LaMonica Jujutsu headmaster of HakkoDenshin Ryu in Canton Ohio,
* Shihan Mike Seamark Jujutsu headmaster of the Sadohana Dojo in Vancouver Canada,
* Shihan Joseph Miller Jujutsu master in Japan,
* Shihan Joel Fein Sword master of Musoshinden Ryu Iaido,
* Shihan Mark Pickens Sword master of Hanashi Ryu Kenjutsu,
* Sah Bum Nim Michael Arington Karate master of Tang Soo Do in Starke Florida,
* Shidoshi Larry Beaver Ninjutsu master of the Togakure Ryu in Anna Maria Florida, and many others.